The Summer Job Search

Posted: 06.21.2016
The flowers are in bloom, the sun is shining, the beach is calling your name and it’s time to take a break from your job search and enjoy your summer, right?


The most common misconceptions about finding a job during the summer months are that (a) you deserve a break from the stressful task of finding a job, (b) most hiring managers are on vacation and (c) the Fall Season is when all the jobs will be available.

The summer is actually one of the most ideal times to be searching for employment and here’s why:

1. Less Competition: Just like you, most people think that summer is an impossible season to find employment so the competition eases off. Most people that currently are employed aren’t searching as actively and are taking their vacation time. At, we definitely see a decline in applicants to our online postings. Capitalize!

2. Networking Opportunities: With summer weather brings more social gatherings, charity events and backyard barbeques. Get out and mingle! Let people know you are looking for employment and don’t be afraid to network and expand your professional contacts. Attend/volunteer/be social!

3. Employers have More Time: Most employers aren’t as busy in the summer months with yearend responsibilities and other tasks that take away from recruitment. In the first point of this article, there are also less people applying for positions creating more time for employers to spend on reviewing your application. Apply and Follow-Up!

4. Government Incentives: If you are a student, the Government has a program that creates jobs for Employers to hire students and youth in the summer months. In 2016, employers in Toronto received approval to hire 6,300 students this summer across 25 constituencies*. Search job boards, visit your local community Employment Centres ( and apply in-person to retail and food service establishments to learn more about these opportunities. Do your Research!

5. Focus on Social Media & your Online Presence: This isn’t necessarily a summer job search strategy but one of the most important pieces of your job search strategy year round. Ensure your social presence is on point. Remove any tasteless pictures on social media, create and update your Linkedin Profile, follow companies you want to work for and join their groups, search for jobs on all social media platforms (create alerts and feeds) and use your network to leverage your job search process. Get Social!

Summer isn’t a time for relaxation. It’s a time for dedication and standing out amongst the competition. Work hard every day, think outside the box and create a strong brand presence for yourself both online and offline. Once you have done this, permission will be granted to take a small break here and there to enjoy the sun and sand ;) Good luck in your search!


This article was written by Rachel Mitchell, Manager of Business Development for Rachel has been Developing Business & Marketing Plans and Strategies within the Recruitment Landscape for 10 years. To contact Rachel, please email or visit us online at
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