Posted: 02.18.2019
This Family Day, our team is taking the opportunity to unplug, unwind and spend quality time with loved ones. We want you to do the same! The majority of work can wait until Tuesday. Today, let’s focus on those who matter the most: your family, your friends and you.

From our family to yours, here are some ways you can make the most of Family Day 2019!
  1. Eat a device-free meal together: Sounds simple, right? But for most families, sitting down for a meal together is hard enough – never mind doing it without the tech. Today, eat at least one meal together with devices off and away from the table. (No TV in the background, either!) Take the opportunity to focus on conversation, instead.
  1. Tune out from tech: Turning off your electronic devices completely allows you to focus on the moment. It may not be realistic to do this for the entire day but make an effort to schedule 1-2 hour stretches at a time when phones and other devices are off. This approach ensures no distractions, a clear mind and can even restore your focus once you plug back in.
  1. Turn off your email notifications: Chances are, most emails that you’re receiving today are not urgent. Even if you have your phone on, turn off your email notifications to avoid constant interruption from other activities. If necessary, schedule 1-2 hours during the day where you can check and respond to emails of utmost importance.
  1. Engage in activities: If you are like many of us, it’s hard to completely shut your brain off from thinking about work and other responsibilities. Try engaging in activities throughout the day that will keep your mind busy and distracted. If that means building a fort with your kids, get building! If it means clearing the dining room table and doing a puzzle with your significant other, go for it! (Or read on for more suggestions!)
  1. Take a walk: It’s winter, it’s snowing – we understand! Getting bundled up and heading outdoors can be a pain (especially if you have to get kids ready, too.) But the reality is that most of our time spent outdoors in the winter is running to and from our cars in the slush or shoveling walkways and driveways. We rarely take the time to actually enjoy the season. So get out your winter gear and go outside! You’d be surprised how refreshing the brisk air can be when you have a positive outlook.
  1. Don’t forget about YOU: Be sure to block out some time for your personal interests. Taking some time to yourself to engage in a hobby or project will make you all the more prepared to tackle the world when you tune back into work and other responsibilities.
Even if you’re hard-wired to catch up on work at home when you aren’t at your workplace, make a real effort to focus on your personal connections today. You’ll be rejuvenated, refreshed and ready to be productive when you get back to work on Tuesday morning!

Happy Family Day from all of us at! is a full-service recruitment organization, including website, Full-Service Recruitment Division and Outplacement Services. Our local focus and advanced features make a vital asset for both job seekers and employers within the Greater Toronto Area.
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