Transferable Skills that Can Help Land You that Job

Posted: 07.14.2020
Have you ever passed up on applying for a job because you didn’t think you were qualified enough? Experience is an important factor recruiters consider when they are looking for candidates for their clients, but it isn’t the only defining quality when interviewing them. Many characteristics like politeness, enthusiasm, and organization are also important and, in some cases, even more so than experience.

Below we discuss some transferrable skills that can help land you a job.

1. Responding on a timely basis.
Recruiters are often pressed for time when looking for candidates for their clients. So, if you get a response back from a recruiter after submitting your resume, or a message from them on LinkedIn, it’s best to reply as quickly as you can. Not only does this help them in the process, it also shows that you are eager about the potential opportunity.

2. Be organized and on time.
Be familiar with the jobs that you are applying to. You don’t want to be stuck asking the recruiter what job they are following up with you about. Show up to the interview on time and arrive five to 10 minutes early if you can. These small acts during the interview process can say a lot about how organized and how on-time you will be if you should be hired.

3.  Show up for the interview.
Further to the point above, if you say you’ll be there for an interview… actually show up to your interview. Many places, in addition to, will make a note or “blacklist” candidates who make an appointment for an interview but never show up to it.

4. Have good body language.
During your interview ensure you sit up straight, make eye contact, and be positive. This is especially important when you’re doing virtual interviews. It can be hard to get a feel for a person over video or phone, so you want to make sure you can convey your personality as best as you can. Having good body language also shows that you are enthusiastic about the opportunity available.

5. Stay in touch.
It is your responsibility to follow-up with the recruiter after the interview. Whether they get the job or not, many people expect to hear back from the recruiter, but it’s often not always the case. You are looking for the job, so it is your job to check back in.

6. Read.
If you want to find yourself at the top of the candidate list, read and learn more about your industry. What’s trending in your field, are there new programs available, etc. Not only will this make you more of an expert in your field, but employers will value your interest in always looking for ways to better yourself.

7. Bring copies of your cover letter, resume, and references to your interview.
Even if the interviewee has a copy for themselves available, doing this shows that you are prepared, organized, and courteous.

8. Be honest.
It may sound counter-active but be honest about what you like and don’t like about the job requirements. Recruiters are just as interested in hearing about the negatives of the job, as they are about the positives. Depending on what you don’t like, maybe there are small changes or adjustments that can be made before you start.

Click here to watch President of Marc Belaiche, CPA, CA discuss this topic.

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