Things to Keep in Mind When Writing a Resignation Letter (With a Sample)

Posted: 08.31.2021
People leave their jobs for various reasons. Whether it’s for a better opportunity, a toxic work environment, starting a new career, or moving to a new place – at some point in your life, you’ve submitted a letter of resignation.

No matter what the reason is for submitting one, there are a few key things to remember when doing so. Below are some tips on what to include in your resignation letter, along with a sample template you are free to use.

1. Keep it short.
Regardless of whether you are leaving on good or bad terms, this isn’t a time to reminisce or lash out on anything you didn’t get a chance to say. This is a formal letter stating your exit and when you will be leaving. You should include a sentence about leaving the company and when your last day of work will be (preferably you should give at least two weeks notice).

2. Offer your assistance.
As you work your last two weeks, offer to help with the transition process. Whether it’s making sure your supervisor has access to all your documents and passwords or helping to train the person who will be taking your place – this can help make the employer feel at ease with your departure.

3. Give in your resignation letter directly.
Avoid sending your resignation letter through email or worse texting your boss about it. Having a face-to-face conversation about your departure allows the employer to ask more follow-up questions if you would like to give more information as to why you are leaving, and it gives them a chance to explain how they will begin the process of you exiting. Remember, this isn’t a time to complain or criticize.

4. Be prepared.
When you hand in your resignation letter, ensure you are ready to have a conversation if your boss offers you a raise or a promotion. Really try to understand why you are leaving and why you are looking for something more, that way you can discuss this with your employer. Your boss may also offer you an exit interview, so be prepared to answer more in-depth questions about your departure – again if you are given an exit interview, it’s not the time to lash out. You can still provide constructive feedback without being negative and angry.



Subject: Resignation Letter

Dear (Supervisor’s Name),

Please accept this letter as notice of my resignation from my position as (Title). My last day of employment will be (End Date).

All my tasks and projects have been completed up to date and I will be happy to provide any more details and instructions if need be. In addition, to ensure a smooth transition I can also assist with any training tasks.

Thank you for your support over the course of my employment. It has been a pleasure working with you and everyone here.

You can email me at any time (E-mail) or call me at (Number).


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